Amanda Drobizow





"What am I taking with me from Germany? The best Häring could give me: my career."


From the School Desk to the International Career Ladder

Amanda joined Häring in Bubsheim as a trainee in 2015. The young American from Georgia had attended school after various small jobs in order to learn diesel mechanics when the school approached her with a job offer from Häring. The chance for an international career with a stay abroad is rare in America and so she didn’t hesitate to take the opportunity. In the mechanics department, Amanda was occupied with innovative solutions, but the training area became especially more and more important to her.

After her three year apprenticeship at the main location in Bubsheim, she’s now responsible for the training and teaching of trainees and apprentices in the academy.

Part of the Anton Häring KG

My work

"I am responsible for the machines in production. For any problems or inaccuracies, I respond immediately and fix the affected machine. You have to be prepared for things that you often know nothing about, and then react in the blink of an eye. That makes every day a challenge.."

My time as a trainee

"Häring works with the latest machines. First of all, I had to go on to learn programming. In addition, I was able to work with my German teacher every week during work and every other Saturday at Häring. There was of course enough time for leisure activities and sightseeing in Germany."

My impressions

"Everything is very personal at Häring. We have dinners together with the owners and a familiar relationship with all supervisors. For me, this time in Germany is something very special."

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The next career step

Responsibility in the USA

"There’s still a lot of work for us in America. We need to continue to build the site and make sure that production is up and running. That's why, I'm pleased to be able to contribute to this by training the trainees here in Germany. I learned everything I need for my work during my time here in Germany at Häring. And now I'm trying to pass on my knowledge to the other trainees so that after about three years, when they return to The U.S.A., they can take on important positions on their own account.

I believe that good things don’t come from doing nothing. You have to fight, you have to work for everything ; this is exactly what I did for my position at the location in Germany.”


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