The industrial study, "Mechatronics and Digital Production" is a bachelor's degree, training, freely selectable industrial modules, and you can stay abroad all in one. With Häring you will learn at; the vocational school, the university, and directly in the industry at Heuberg Industrial Campus… and even earn money in the process. It couldn't be better!
This study model originated in cooperation with a team made up of various companies: Tuttlingen University campus of HFU in collaboration with its support association, Erwin-Teufel-School in Spaichingen, IHK and the Cluster Zerspanungstechnik. With it, we now offer you the opportunity to raise the topic of "practice-oriented studying" to a new level.
Heuberg Industrial Campus
The new campus concept offers students maximum business exposure and practical orientation. You not only study at HFU University campus in Tuttlingen, but are also actively involved with our industry. You get to learn at Häring and at the Heuberg campus, the "Industrial Campus". You’ll spend a lot of time in the industry and at your training company and can gain more practical experience than with other study concepts. In total, you will work for more than 560 days at Häring in Bubsheim or at one of our four international locations during the school holidays or semester breaks.
“Smart Factory” is on the Curriculum here.
During your industrial studies, you will go through various areas of operation while getting to know our modern, digitally networked manufacturing processes. The aim is that you will understand the processes in a "Smart Factory", so you can later use them profitably for yourself, our customers, and the worldwide networked Häring team. "Digitization" or "digital production" is not a buzzword here, but a central aspect of your curriculum; because that is exactly what the 3850 Häring employees deal with every day. That is why certain modules also belong to the course, such as: automation technology, robotics, or the basics of digital production.
You may already be familiar with the field of "mechatronics", this is primarily about the methods and tools of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and computer science. In combination, you get the perfect starting point for modern, future-oriented, large-scale production where machine aspects are just as important as programming, networking or big data.
Flexible Specialization
The basic course is uniform, depending on your interest, you can choose the specialization "Mechatronics" or "Digital Production" after the basic course and take these industrial modules in the main course. These also take place in our industry on the Heuberg campus and are supported by the HFU professors.
The industrial studies prepare you to perfection; and with a lot of practical relevance for your professional future. This opens up many opportunities for you at Häring:
Examples of Possible Positions and Work Areas:
More information at
Courses Begin
Annually on September 1st
You can start earlier to improve your German language skills.
University campus Tuttlingen, HFU, Germany
Industry-campus Heuberg (industrial modules in various companies), Germany
Erwin Teufel Vocational School in Spaichingen, Germany
Standard Study Length
4,5 years
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Machine operator or mechatronics engineer (m / f / d) (German chamber of Commerce skilled worker letter)
Link for Universitys‘ information page
Anton Häring KG
Anton-Häring-Straße 1
78585 Bubsheim
Phone 07429 932 - 194